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Lemon Trees

Q.Should I worry about curled leaves?

Zone I live in los angeles county in california | LemonEnthusiast added on March 18, 2015 | Answered

About two weeks ago I planted a seed from a lemon and it sprouted. I read somewhere that the sprout needs a lot of water as it grows so I try to check it every day. A few days ago I noticed the leaves had curled up. Now it looks like the part of the stalk directly under the leaves is thinner than the rest of the stalk and a little bit brown. I have it planted in a plastic cup.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 19, 2015

Thank you. Do you think it'll be able to get past this or did I kill it?

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Answered on March 19, 2015

Lemon tree seedlings need to be in a warm location with plenty of direct sunlight. The soil should be moist but not too damp/soggy. Is it possible you over-watered? If you watered it everyday that was probably too much.

For more information on growing lemon trees, please visit the following link:

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