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Tomato Plants

Q.Should I Trim Yellow, Dead or Dying Leaves on My Tomato Plants?

locogringo_2001@yahoo.com added on June 11, 2011 | Answered

This is my first time growing tomatoes. I just trimmed off some yellow, and a few dead or dying leaves. I hope this was not a mistake. The plants are doing great. This week some leaves started to turn and a few were dead, well browning, due to rubbing on the fence. Please tell me I didn’t hurt them. Trimmed very little.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 13, 2011

I always trim the bottom yellowing leaves. I also trim bottom leaves that turn downward.I don't know if this is the right thing to do, but my history has been that bottom yellow or downward turning leaves never produce.As Pink posted,often a sucker will appear.I've tried to leave the sucker, but it never seems to do well.

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Answered on June 12, 2011

No this won't hurt them I do it all the time and a helpful hint when the leaves y off and a new leaf starts to grow in the middle of the y pinch it off as your plant will turn into a jungle it will still produce even if you don't but I found if you do that it helps them ripen better, hope you enjoy them

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