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Monkey Puzzle Trees

Q.Should I trim back my monkey puzzle

Zone Aberdeen, Scotland, United Kingdom | rhodamowat@yahoo.co7& added on May 25, 2019 | Answered

I have a central trunk and two additional trunks on the sides Lots of new growth at the base of the trunks love my tree but concerned I should be looking after it better.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 26, 2019

Remove any suckers that have grown near the base of the tree. This is important for the overall health of the plant; a sucker will take valuable energy away from the healthier and more desirable branches.
Be careful not to damage the soft trunk with your pruning shears.
Shape the tree canopy to a desired form. A monkey tree naturally has a round shape that is easy to maintain with little effort.


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