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Q.Should I stop composting?

Zone Northern Virginia | Anonymous added on September 20, 2016 | Answered

I have been successfully composting yard waste for 20-25 years. Recently, my Yoshino Cherry tree got cherry leaf spot mold, and I have been treating it. In addition to spraying with Immunox, I also rake up the leaves and put them out for trash pick up, because other web sites say that composting does not kill the spores. OK….but now I wonder, since much of my compost comes from grass clippings, and I do pick up some leaves when I mow, should I stop composting altogether because of all the various mold spores and weed seeds that might be in my compost?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 21, 2016

I would not compost any plant material that is diseased.
The few leaves that do make it into the compost should not pose a problem. If you compost doesn't get hot, compost the material longer for breakdown of the plant material.


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