Q.Should I Remove Some of the Rhubarb Growth
We planted 2 rhubarbs about mid June with a Sweet Cecily between them in a raised bed with fresh soil and a thick layer of compost and mulch (to keep out the weeds). The two plants are already huge with some of the stalks exceeding 10 inches and the leaves larger than my patty pan squash leaves. The stalks are very light in color with hints of pink. Should I trim back some of these leaves/stalks? I don’t know what specific variety of rhubarb if relevant.
Thank you. Yes, it gets 6-8 hours of sun, probably more. However the grape vines are providing shade in the late afternoon now that it's become so large as well. Then I'll leave it alone.
I still wouldn't take anything until it dies on it's own. The leaves are feeding next years harvest. Is the plant getting 6-8 hours sun? If not, this might be a partial reason the leaves are extra large. The stems may be solid red, solid green or mottled, depending on variety. I am in zone 6b, my plant (first year) looks great, but ones in containers have already started loosing leaves and stems. If you feel that you 'just have to trim', cut half of the leaf off. (The half furthest from the stem.)
I'm aware of the article and the information, but given the excessive growth and size, I wondered otherwise.
I suggest you leave the rhubarb alone. Leaves and stalks should not be harvested the first year to ensure the plant becoming well-established. This article should help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/rhubarb/harvesting-rhubarb.htm