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Japanese Maple Trees

Q.Should I Re-pot An Acer Or Put It Straight In The Garden?

Zone Tf16xe | jillaliz added on May 1, 2020 | Answered

I have a large Acer that is about 10 yrs old. We have noticed that the roots have come through the pot and are now going across the ground. Should I repost it or put it straight into the garden where the roots are now growing. I don’t know if he name of the Acer, but it is a lovely lime green and turns a beautiful pink in the autumn. It is very near 6ft tall. I love the plant and don’t want to loose it. Thank you

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 4, 2020

It should be just fine. Just keep in mind that some Acer, such as the Silver and Sugar Maples will get very tall and can do structural damage, while Acers such as Japanese and other Palmate Maples will stay smaller, and will not have such an invasive root system.

If you do not know the species of Acer (there are 100's, as the Maple genus is very large) or know how tall it would be, I would suggest keeping it far away from any structure that you do not want damaged.

This article will give you some insight into the types of Maple groups that there are:


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