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Poinsettia Plants

Q.Should I Prune My Poinsettia

Zone Fort Wayne | Liltutt28 added on May 20, 2024 | Answered

I have had a poinsettia since last October and was just wondering if I should prune it and how far back I should go. It had gotten quite big since I got it. It seems pretty healthy. It has lots of new growth and has very green leaves. I just don’t know if I should prune it or not. I have seen lots of differing opinions online about cutting it down to 5 inches. I don’t have any leaves 5 inches down and am concerned it will die if I cut it.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 21, 2024

Hard pruning is a common practice, and this is the time to do it. If you don't want to put it outside to receive more light than it would through a window naturally, then you may want to use grow lights to give it a little extra boost indoors. This makes it easier to control daylight hours later, as well.

Keep in mind that keeping it in container outdoors requires a large enough container to prevent moisture loss too quickly.

This article will help:


Here is another for general care:


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