Q.Should I Prune After Transplanting A Rose?
I have two Rosa rugosa Pink Pavement roses that were dug up and transplanted. They are about 3-4 feet tall and blooming before moving. Property owners wanted them gone just come and dig them, I did and now planted at my home. So I didn’t have choice of when to move them. They are quite wilted and some of foliage is brown and crisp, even though they have been watered well. I know they’re in shock. Should I prune them back quite a bit so they don’t put energy into the struggling branches/foliage? Or will that put them further into shock. They’ve be replanted for a few weeks. zone 4.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
The best time to prune would have been before or after moving. Since it's been a few weeks, I suggest only lightly pruning, just enough to get some of the brown leaves off and spindliest stems. Here is more: