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Q.Should I Plant The 100 Gladioli That Arrived In The Post 3 Months Too Late?

Zone London | Lookhe added on June 24, 2020 | Answered

Inspired to plant some summer bulbs I ordered 100 gladioli in April from Gardening express. But the covid disruption meant I only received these yesterday (22nd June). Some of the corms have already developed tiny little shoots. As an absolute novice I’m reluctant to plant these out now as it maybe too late in the year. What should I do? Plant them out? Or store them and if so how to store them best?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 25, 2020

I bet they will still bloom if you plant them now. I bought oriental lilies on sale last summer and planted them and they still bloomed. Plus, you don't have to lift them in the fall since your weather rarely gets below freezing. So they should return again next year.


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Answered on June 25, 2020

Yes, the best way to store bulbs is in the ground. They are less likely to shrivel and die or develop fungal problems. If the type of gladioli that you purchased aren't hardy in London, you are left with digging them up in 4 months or so. Two species, G. communis and G. byzantinus are said to be hardy if temps don't go below -10 Celsius. Otherwise, dig them up, let them dry and store in a cool, dry location. Here's more info: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/bulbs/gladiola/care-of-gladiolas-how-to-grow-gladiolas-in-your-garden.htm

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