Q.Should I Pinch Off Yellow Leaves?
I have five little spinach plants from seed that are all doing really well. The only problem is the two main leaves (initial sprouts from the seed) that have turned yellow. The other spinach leaves (that actually look like spinach) are gorgeous and green. I have gherkins as well and they have a similar issue. Help?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Those "leaves" are actually part of the seed coating. They are called "cotyledons". They feed the seedling for the first portion of the plant's life. They have no function after a couple of weeks, and will wither. Leaving them on is best, since there is no reason to take them off and doing so elevates the risk of infection just slightly. (It really isn't significant, so if you don't like the look of them it won't hurt anything to remove them.)
Here is an article for more information: