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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Should I pinch back some of the flowers on my zucchini plants

Zone Rockville, Maryland | newgardner added on July 4, 2014 | Answered

Or will that hurt the other fruits? Never grown zucchini before. I put a tomato frame around it so it could grow up and not lay on the ground. It’s doing really well. There are a lot of flowers and also some clusters of small leaves at the ends of several branches, but I don’t know if that is a fruit or what.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 6, 2014

Hi newgardner!
I would just let your zucchini be :) Zucchini plants grow male and female flowers - once the plant becomes pollinated then fruit starts growing. I would try to pay more attention to whether or not you have pollinating insects (like bees, etc) in your garden - if not, you might need to self-pollinate your plant to help move it along for fruit bearing. Hope that helps!

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