Q.Should I Harvest The Tangerines?
We live in NC and bought a tangerine tree last spring/summer. We tried keeping it in a pot but it was losing its leaves quite a bit. So we planted it in the ground and within days there was a considerable difference. But I think its schedule got out of whack. It started growing fruit in the fall but they never turned orange. Here it is February and the fruit are still there. Should I pick them and dispose of them so it will get back to the right growing season? Any help you can give me would be very much appreciated.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It can take up to 9 months from the time that you see the first fruits until harvest time. If by the 9 month mark, you still do not see a color change, then you can assume that the fruit have aborted. Usually, they will "clean" themselves, but if this does not happen, then it will not harm them to remove the fruit.
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