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English Ivy Plants

Q.Should I Cut My English Ivy Ahead Of Time And Try To Root, Or Leave On The Vine?

Zone Vinton, VA | Anonymous added on March 30, 2021 | Answered

I have given away a lot of my English Ivy to people that wanted clippings. I still have a ton. I am thinking of selling cuttings online. Should I cut them as the orders come in?, Or should I cut ahead of time and attempt the rooting process before shipping. It seems like I would be giving the customer a better chance at the ivy’s rooting when they plant them. But I wonder if leaving the ivy on the vine as long as possible is better?. I just want the cuttings to survive when the customers get them and have the best chance as possible at living. Any help would be great, Thank you

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 31, 2021

I would look online at other sellers and see if their cuttings come rooted. I think customers would expect rooted products.

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