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Japanese Maple Trees

Q.Should I bring the scion for grafting, a Japanese maple, indoors before grafting?

Zone 30033 | DaveWeir added on October 24, 2019 | Answered

Hi. I’m going to try grafting a Japanese maple for the first time. I’m going to put a greenish purple laceleaf scion onto a regular green rootstock. I read on this site that I should do this in January or February and bring the rootstock tree indoors for a month before I attempt the graft. The laceleaf that I plan to take the scion from is outdoors. Is this plan a good one? Or should I wait until a month after both plants break dormancy?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 28, 2019

If you intend to keep this in container, indoors, or at least protected then you can do this at any time. The reason for the time frame suggestion will be to get it back outside, and in ground in a timely manner. This way it will not die from stress.

Again, though, if you intend to protect the tree for awhile then you may graft at just about any time. It is just best right after dormancy (or a forced awakening).

Here is another article that you will find helpful: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/garden-how-to/propagation/grafting/what-is-a-scion.htm

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