Q.Should Dead Bloom Be Cut Off Of Crepe Myrtles? Someone Told Me Not To Touch The Tree For 5 Years
The tree was planted over a year ago and someone trimmed them last year and it bloomed very nicely this year but now a nurseryman is telling me that the dead bloom should not be trimmed off for 5 years! I never heard of such a thing. Help!!
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I never heard that either but it's true that you don't have to deadhead, especially if the blooms are high and you can't reach. The seedpods don't have to come off either. It will still bloom nicely the next year. Be sure when you trim you aren't committing crape murder. If you like the look of a standard, just prune off the lateral branches about 1/3 to 1/2 way up. (Do not hack off the top half!)