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Cherry Trees

Q.pruning white cherry blossom tree in full bloom

Zone south Shields, Tyne and Wear | vivwilson added on April 26, 2015 | Answered

Should a white cherry blossom tree be pruned in full bloom? Our council workers are going to hard prune a wonderful white cherry blossom tree in front of our house. It is in full, beautiful bloom. I am terrified this will harm this lovely tree. I thought all trees should be pruned when dormant, i.e. early spring or late autumn. Can you please advise asap!! Many, many thanks.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 27, 2015

The short answer is no - the blossom will soon be over and then the tree can be pruned quite safely, but not too hard!
Henry Villiers

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