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Clematis Plants

Q.Should a clematis vine be cut back for a NH winter? If so, how much?

Zone Exeter, NH | Anonymous added on October 19, 2020 | Answered

Some parts of vine look brown and dead, other leaves are still green. Also, can the fuzzy little flower remainders be planted?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on October 22, 2020

Yes, you can trim it back and clean it up, but it will definitely need protection through the winter. Here's an article about that: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/vines/clematis/clematis-winter-preparation.htm

Yes, you can collect the seeds, but they aren't mature unless they are brown and come away from the feathery fibers. They need to be cold stratified (keep them in sand in the fridge for winter), and when planted, they can take from six months to three years to germinate. You can certainly try just planting the little fuzzy parts and let them cold stratify in the ground, but they won't germinate easily or quickly.

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