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Apricot Trees

Q.Shedding Apricot Tree

Anonymous added on April 19, 2014 | Answered

We have an apricot tree that has been in the backyard for many years. The tree looks real healthy, but it is shedding its fruit. Is this a normal thinning process that has gone unnoticed before or is there something else going on?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 30, -0001

Natural thinning of trees is normal in cases of over bearing. If a tree has too much fruit for it to handle, it will shed some of its fruit. Premature fruit drop can also be due to poor pollination, a lack of nutrients, or an insect problem. Since the tree looks healthy, I think we can rule out both the insects and nutrient issues. That leaves pollination or natural thinning. If the tree has been blooming and producing without any issues before, or if you have noticed plenty of pollinators in the area, then you could rule poor pollination out too. So likely the tree is simply shedding some of the extra fruit on its own. I wouldn't worry too much unless you notice any other issues, such as the sudden declining of your tree or even problems with the fruit itself (which could signal pests/disease).

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