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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Shasta daisies

Zone Allen park michigan | Rose kentala added on July 27, 2017 | Answered

My daisies bloom beautifully one time and not again the rest of the summer. I can see small buds but they never develop. I deadhead when the flowers are spent. What can I be doing wrong?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 28, 2017

I'm assuming this is a shasta daisy. If the plant has been in the same spot for several years, it may be time to dig it up, divide it and inject some nourishment into the soil with compost or peat moss. When you dead-head, do you cut back to the forming bud? It is quite deep and if you don't cut down to it, it may not be getting enough sunlight. Have you tried a light fertilizer application when the plant has its initial bloom? It sounds like it has exhausted itself by the first bloom.

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