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Serrano Pepper Plants

Q.Serrano Pepper Leaf Yellowing

suzanneharper added on June 21, 2011 | Answered

My serrano peppers have been growing like crazy and then all of a sudden the leaves turned yellow only around they edge, and they curled up a bit. It did this all of a sudden, though it did get very hot here. . . it is 105 today.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 26, 2011

This is due to water stress. Increase water ti the plant.

If it is in the ground, try to water deeper (i.e. longer), rather than more frequently. This will help store water deeper in the ground and encourage the plant to grow deeper roots so that it can better have access to water during high heat.

If it is in a container, you may need to water several times a day in heat that high as the water in the container will evaporate quickly.

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Answered on June 27, 2011

Thank you sooo much! I increased the water by a couple minutes and they seem to be doing much better

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