Q.Sago Palm Question
I bought my daughter a sago palm from Home Depot for her room at college. Fearing the worst (no watering, etc), I was surprised to see when I visited her a few months later that the palm pretty much looked the same as when I bought it, except that it had 4 long tapering “growths” or stems (for lack of a better term) growing from it with little “nubs” on them. Are these new leaves? The ones on the existing plant when I bought it seemed a whole lot sturdier than this new growth.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
What you are describing sounds like sago pups, which can be removed to make additional plants. This article should help with that: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/trees/palms-trees/propagate-palm-pups.htm
Additionally, very long, leggy leaf growth can indicate that the plant is not getting enough light. It will stretch its leaves out to try to get more light. Moving it to a brighter location will help prevent this.