Q.Seeking A Clarification Re The Very Interesting Sesame Seed Oil Page On Your Site – I Give The Link In The “additional/details”
part. Hi! I have just come across your organisation’s website by sheer chance; I was trying to find how to make Roast Sesame Seed Oil and this page came up in my search: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/herbs/sesame-plant/making-sesame-seed-oil.htm The article is titled “DIY Sesame Oil – How To Extract Sesame Oil From Seeds”. It then advises the reader to roast a quantity of sesame seeds in the oven, add them to sunflower oil, warm the mixture, let it get cool and then blend it in a blender and, finally, strain the mixture and keep the oil in a sterilised container in the refrigerator for use later. My question arises from the fact that I have been desperately trying to purchase ROAST SESAME SEED OIL but it is totally unavailable in Malta (that’s where I live, in the centre of the Mediterranean). And so my quesiton is this – is the final product ROAST Sesame Seed Oil, or is it only SESAME SEED OIL? I have meanwhile glanced at a couple of other pages on your site – it looks beautifully informative, with explanations and descriptions given in perfectly simple and brilliantly clear terms – congratulations! You hav indeed intrigued me with your other page regarding growing and harvesting sesame seeds – I shall start growing it in my garden! Looking forward to hearing from you! Best regards and thanks for your kind attention, John J Schranz
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
The Roast Sesame Seed Oil will be the product that is obtained from baking and extracting your seeds!