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Seed Care

Q.Seed Storage

Zone 63857 | christinesgreenhouse@myhealthisworthit.com added on July 10, 2016 | Answered

I am trying desperately to find/create a seed storage system. To date I am nothing short of frustrated. However, I think I have come across a viable solution – the thing is – I am not sure that it will work, or how to make it work to it’s full advantage.

I am looking at:

But I have a few concerns.
1) This ‘system’ is made of plastic, so might condensation be an issue? I am thinking that the best place to store my seed organizer would be in the fridge, as I live in the Bootheel of Missouri where it can get pretty hot – even in an air-conditioned house. But it won’t do much good if the seeds get damp and moldy from condensation, will it?

2) I already know that I will divide my seeds into VEGETABLES, HERBS, FRUITS and FLOWERS, but should I organize them further by planting dates? Sun vs shade requirements? Soil requirements? I’m just not sure how to best approach this. With almost 125 seed varieties, I have to have a system in place before I get in over my head – which I am beginning to think I might have already done.

I hope you can give me some tips so that I don’t start or end the season by having a nervous breakdown.
I’m thanking you in advance for all your help.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 12, 2016

This article will help you with seed storing.


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