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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Sedum Woolly Thyme

Zone I don't know. Between Toronto and Montreal | Anonymous added on May 18, 2016 | Answered

I am looking to purchase a Sedum Woolly Thyme plant or seeds that grow to about one inch high. I believe it is named Thymus-Pseudol-Anuginosus.

I have a 28 square foot natural stone walkway and need the plant/seeds to fill the in between spaces. The sun shines on this area about 50% of each summer day. Can you help me with either seeds or plants? What do you recommend?

Please advise.

Earle Rheaume
940 Lucille Way
Ottawa (Ontario)
Canada K4A 4H9
Tel: (613) 834-2635
E-mail: earleb@rogers.com

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 20, 2016

I would recommend that you contact your local garden center and make an inquiry about seeds/plants - if they do not have them in stock, I am sure they can special order them for you. There are places that sell them on-line as well - a Google search will yield several offerings such as those listed below:




For more information on the care of woolly thyme, please visit the following link:

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