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Hyacinth Plant

Q.sedum plants

Zone 5 | Anonymous added on September 28, 2016 | Answered

Sedum plants started out with pink flowers, then in late September started drying up with not much color. They should still be blooming and changing colors at this point, but just don’t look right. What can I do or should I do nothing? This is the first year I planted these. Bought them from a nursery when about 7 inches high and seemed to do well after planted.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 29, 2016

How your Sedum transitions into late summer and autumn will vary with the varieties that you are growing.

Some low growing or creeping varieties bloom early in the season and the flowers do dry up. The plants can be dead headed to maintain a neater appearance and promote a 2nd flowering.

Some varieties such as Autumn Joy will darken and come into brilliant color as the weather cools into Fall.
Check the variety that you are growing and it's growing pattern.
If you would like to upload and image for us to help you identify your plant, please do so!


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