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Broccoli Plants

Q.Secondary broccoli heads bolting

Zone Houston | JB added on September 4, 2014 | Answered

I’ve been growing hydroponic broccoli this summer. The initial heads were great. The plants are almost 3 feet tall and have large healthy leaves. Despite some days where the room temp hit high 70s, they didn’t bolt.

Once I harvested the initial heads, the plants began sprouting new little ones like crazy. Unfortunately, these are coming out sparse with the florets spread out instead of tightly packed and they are bolting. Is this normal for the secondary growth?

I have them under grow lights 16 hrs/day but also next to a window where they get afternoon sun. I haven’t changed the grow mix or the lighting. Obviously the natural sunlight is getting shorter.

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Answered on September 5, 2014

Thanks for the reply. I'm not asking about whether secondary heads are unusual but rather about how they are definitely not as nice as the first ones. I did manage to find mention elsewhere that commercial growers toss the plants after the first harvest because the secondaries are not as good, and with further iterations the plant eventually stops trying at all. Apparently what I'm seeing is common. I guess I need to lower expectations and just try to gather some small heads to munch on.

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Answered on September 5, 2014

Secondary heads are not unusual - kind of depends on the variety. This article may have some tips you can use: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/broccoli/how-to-grow-broccoli.htm

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