Q.Searching Ideas To Help My Clivia Have Better Growth. Question: Would Inoculation W/mycorrhizea Help?
I will make a soiless medium and try all other ideas but when I transplanted (in well draining medium) my expensive clivia after the winter rest I saw root rot. I would like to know from an expert if an ultrafine endo/ecto Mycorrhizal inoculation will help them. Thank you so much if you can reply with an answer to my question. They are inside plants and get defused light.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It can, but be sure that your soilless media contains nutrients, as well! If there is not an adequate amount of nutrients, then it will make it much more susceptible to disease.
A preventative dusting of fungicide powders wouldn't hurt, either.
Here are some articles that will help: