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Schefflera Plants

Q.schefflera plant

Zone zone 4 | Anonymous added on March 5, 2018 | Answered

my plant has been looked very wilted since I repotted it last fall, loses leaves and just plane sad looking. Did I use poor soil or what? Use commericial potting soil.
I keep plant inside all the time.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 6, 2018

A commercial potting soil should be sufficient for your Schefflera plant.
I do caution you on the size pot, generally you should only go up one size from the existing container.
Too large of pot can lead to overwatering and root rot. Make sure the soil is drying between waterings.
Also check the amount of light your plant is receiving. Too little sunlight can lead to a floppy plant.

Pruning can help a leggy or overgrown plant.

Here are some links with more information.


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