My first bonsai is doing quite well. It receives artifical light, fertilizer (fish water) and a “soaking” when needed. I purchased one with a dragon or twisted tail and that stem has started to sprout roots. My concern is that I do not know what to do with the “babies” or the leaves that are starting to sprout at the base. All the bonsai schefflera I see on the internet do have air roots but none have babies. What is your suggestion? Thank you so much.

Very cool! I use the KIND LED myself. I have a room full of tropical trees, vanilla, and many other things that don't grow in my area. If you start to notice any more leaf curl than that, I would move the light up just a bit. Although there is a fine line between what you need to do a bonsai with this, and what is too much.
Now, about those offshoots. You may pluck these at any time. In fact, these will root VERY easily, so you can make others. It will try to produce many of these, and they can take away from your ultimate goal by stealing resources.