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Creeping Fig

Q.Scale on my Ficus Creeping Vine

Zone Australia | Satchi added on October 22, 2015 | Answered

This vine is growing on the front wall of my home. I keep it well manicured and is usually a source of admiration by passersby. It creates great street appeal. However, over the past year or so, it has become heavily infested with scale and sooty mold as well as millions of black ants. Because I was led to understand that the ficus was indestructible and also because I had no prior knowledge of the problem, I did nothing. Now there are patches of dead wood showing and I’m wondering if it is beyond help. A large part of the plant is still green and still growing. I really need some advice and help as I do not want to lose the plant.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on October 23, 2015

You will need to address each of the issues with different approaches.
I have listed links to help with each of the problems.

I would prune away any dead material and dispose of.

Clean up any fallen leaf material. Do not compost this material.


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