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Clivia Plants

Q.Scale infestation

Zone Guelph, Ontario | Steviejames88 added on September 15, 2016 | Answered

The greenhouse at the retirement home I work at has a BAD scale infestation. My plant skills are just blossoming but I’m trying to do all I can to help it. However, I brought a Clivia home from work last week. It doesn’t look to have an infestation but I did see 1 or 2 small scale bugs present. I picked those off and sprayed with watered down dish soap. Should I be doing anything else to prevent infestation in my home? Or should I just get rid of the Clivia to be on the safe side. (I don’t want to do this as I really love it).

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 16, 2016

I would certainly isolate your Clivia plant from the other plants in your house, since Scale can rapidly move from plant to plant.
Treat the plant with Neem Oil if the homemade insecticide is not clearing up the problem.
Neem Oil is also organic and safe for people and pets!
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