Q.Saving a Holly Foundation Hedge
My friend is buying a house with a large and beautiful foundation planting of holly. It is the type with the bright green thorny leaves and red berries. The location is northeast Texas. The planting has not been tended or pruned in quite a few years and has gotten huge (halfway up the height of the house). He is afraid they may have to be removed to get to the house for renovation. I would like to prune them down and try to save them. Most of the articles I have seen say not to prune holly drastically and then mostly in winter. Any help on how I may be able to save the holly for him?

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
They do not take well to severe pruning. But it sounds like you may not have a choice. I would try rooting some of those cuttings to grow new plants to replace the old ones, in case the old ones die. This article will help: