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Satsuma Trees

Q.satsuma orange tree

Zone Galveston, TX | Anonymous added on March 5, 2019 | Answered

I have had my orange tree for two fruiting seasons. It is a good sized tree planted in the ground and overall seems very healthy. The first year we had it the seller advised it was about 7 years old and it fruited but had black spots in the fruit that seemed to cause some rotting of the fruit. We fertilized the tree and patiently waited for this next season. The fruit was in abundance and without any spots. The peel is thin and easy to peel. The fruit is juicy and overall looks good and smells good. The problem was the fruit had NO FLAVOR!!! I’m not certain why. Any information you may have would be helpful.
Many thanks

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 6, 2019

This can have a few causes. I would recommend applying dolomitic lime, iron sulfate, and a citrus fertilizer at least once per year. Sulfur will help with the flavor quite a bit, as the trees use this to build their flavor profile.

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