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Yucca Plants

Q.Sand used in potting indoor Yucca

Zone North Adams Ma 01247 | gigijoe@roadrunner.com added on April 23, 2016 | Answered

Is there a certain type of sand I should use for replanting my Yucca? It says a three to one mixture of SAND and peat, which I am sure is peat moss. Could you tell me what type of sand, please? Thank-you

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 24, 2016

Your garden center should carry small bags of sand used for planting mediums.
Make sure you use a sand that is specific to gardening use, as other sand material can be treated with salts or chemicals that would harm or kill your plants.
You can also purchase a Cactus mix for potting.


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