Q.Salt tolerant and partial sun?
We live in the Tampa Bay Area in Florida on the Gulf of Mexico. We are on the water and would love to brighten up an area we have along our fence with Cockscomb. Right now I have them in planter I bought at War Mart. I know Wal Mart, but we have gotten a plants from all different places this year and have had good luck so far with our Wal Mart plants. These Cockscomb were so pretty when I bought them a week ago, but they are starting to look sad. They are in a full sun and part shade area and it has been quite hot this week. We have been in a drought for months and we are finally starting to get some rain. I would like to transplant them to the back yard where I have in-ground plants. I have sent photos. I would like to make a flower bed like the articles I have been reading said to do. The ground is very dry right now and doesn’t look very healthy. (I am a new gardener, just retired from teaching and now have time to do some fun things I have always wanted to do.) My husband always puts the mulch from the grass along the fence line to help with the ground and we can fertilize. I also thought by putting the plants there, they could drop their seeds for next year. I also do not know if Cocks comb would be salt water tolerant. I have posted pictures. Do you think I should try transplanting these plants to the area in the middle by the angel statue and see what happens? The water is just to the left of the fence, you can see the blue in the background. I would plant in the middle of this fence area.

This article will help you with the care of Cockscomb flowers.
These links will help you get started with your gardening project.