Q.Sago Palms
My 7 foot Sago is sending out pups at the base, and a few on the side of the trunk. Also, out of the top of the center round mass are new shoots of growth. Is it nescessary to prune the pups from the mother tree, or can I leave it alone? This is the first sign of growth I have seen in three years. This all happened after I gave it a feeding of Manganese and Magnesium last week. It really got the old tree moving. I don’t want to hurt it since lots of its leaves are turning yellow and brown. I was ready to have it removed, but now with signs of new growth, I need your advice before I proceed.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This article should help you with that: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/trees/sago-palm/prune-sago-palm.htm