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Hyacinth Plant

Q.sago palms

Zone 75022 | Anonymous added on January 31, 2018 | Answered

We live in Flower Mound TX just west of Dallas. Our sago palms have turned brown, except for the leaves closest to the base, after a hard freeze. What do we do now…first of February?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on February 2, 2018

With freeze damaged plants, it is important to protect them from any further freezes and to avoid pruning until they start to grow again. If any more freezing weather is predicted in your area, you should cover the plant with a sheet or burlap.

You will also need wait till spring to judge how much damage has been done. At that time, you can see which parts of the plant are beginning to grow back and which parts are dead, and you can prune accordingly. With sago palms, it's normally recommended that you only prune the yellow or brown growth back to the healthy green growth.

Check this article for more information:

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