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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Sago palm

Anonymous added on July 20, 2015 | Answered

I am very worried about my 50 year old Sago. Has been repotted several times…the last time, about 3 yrs ago. It is in a huge pot, watered and fed regularly but the fronds it puts out are only about one foot long, compared to the old normal size ones. This has occurred for the last three series of new growth. Please, please advise. Another of my Sagos, a female and a male, put out blossoms. Is it best to remove or leave them alone? I don’t need anymore seeds pods.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 20, 2015

Well, I am not sure why the fronds are not as full or long, unless it's simply an age thing, as you have had it for some time and cared for it just fine in the past. It shouldn't need repotting again unless the plant seems to be taking in less water or the roots are showing. I would keep an eye on the plant but as long as it seems healthy otherwise, I wouldn't get too concerned.

As for the blossoming of your other sagos, the male cone can be safely removed without any harm to the plant. However, we normally do not recommend removing the female flower. The flower grows very close to the plant and you risk damaging the plant by removing it and it will not hurt the plant to leave it. You may see slowed growth while it is flowering. This is normal and growth will resume once the flower fades.

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