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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Safety of using heating pad on for seedlings

Zone 49505 | hcathy67 added on September 29, 2016 | Answered

I read your article about how to plant the desert rose seeds and the use of a heating pad below to keep the temperature between 80 and 85°. My only question was…is it safe to leave a heating pad on unattended at home for eight hours a day? I’ve had a desert rose that was given to me and have four huge seedpods. I really would like to prepare and buy the materials to get ready and plant the seeds when they open. Can you please advise?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 29, 2016

I have used heating pads for years to help encourage seeds to germinate in my home. I understand your concern, and even now it it is difficult to find a heating pad that stays on; most that they sell now have a built in timer and shut off after a period of time, they also do not get as warm as 'they used too'.
If you want to ensure the temperatures and germination I would suggest you go ahead and buy a seedling heating mat. They are available at most garden centers and greenhouses. They may cost a bit more, but have a temperature regulator on them so you can keep the temperature constant.

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