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Albuca Plants

Q.Sad Albuca

Zone 95051 | Bethany Charon added on May 15, 2017 | Answered

Hello! My coworker purchased 2 Albucas. One for herself, and one for me. We sit about 10 feet away from each other and my plant looks healthy and happy and hers is SO SAD!! It has started to turn brown and the curls are limp. The strands move around a lot throughout the day. It will be almost all laying down at one point, and an hour later will be back to standing looking more happy.

Is there something that we are doing wrong? Water, sun, wrong soil etc? Both plants came from the same nursery, and planted in the same pots with the same soil. It’s very strange to me that they are acting so differently.

Thank you in advance for your help!!

Bethany Charon

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 17, 2017

Albuca would be difficult to grow in an indoor setting.
These articles will help refresh you on the care requirements.


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