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Knockout Rose Bushes

Q.Rust on Knockout Roses

Zone 5 | nothis added on April 26, 2012 | Answered

HELP! For the first time ever my knockouts have a terrible case of rust. My local garden center told me to use a product called BONIDE INFUSE. I was advised to spray Infuse and in a week or so cut them back to get rid of any infected leaves. I am very upset as I have 25 of them lining my driveway. What is the purpose of spraying a chemical to only cut them severly back? I do realize Infuse is a systemic, but, why waste product. What have you done if you have this horrible problem? HELP.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 27, 2012

This article should be of some help to you: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/flowers/roses/rose-rust-disease.htm

Also, our rose specialist normally recommends treating this issue with Green Cure fungicide, as it is both effective and safe to use (do chemicals to worry about).

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Answered on April 29, 2012

Nikki is correct. The article will give you some information and the Green Cure is proven very effective to help with this problem.

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