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Cucumber Plants

Q.Running out of room on my trellises

Zone Harrisonville, Mo | brbdyer420@gmail.com added on June 23, 2017 | Answered

This morning a little feedback and input from other people on my dilemma of running out of space on my cucumber and cantaloupe trellises. I have worked pretty hard to not let the tendrils on my cucumbers and my cantaloupe get on the fence but now that I’m running out of space on the trellises I’m thinking that might be my only option I would appreciate any input on this matter. Thank you.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 26, 2017

Cucumber vines continue to grow and love to take over more room then many gardeners plan for.
It looks like a great plan B. You can gently move the vines to the areas you want them to grow.


I will just add that since I grow in all raised beds I only plant bush cucumbers and they take up much less space. Yields are still high. Maybe you would like to try them next year!

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