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Runner Beans

Q.Runner Beans

Zone UK | markyoung1972@live.co.uk added on June 28, 2016 | Answered

I have started gardening this year for the first time. Our garden in mainly limited to patio, so I have had to use growbags and pots to create space. My runner beans are all beginning to have yellow leaves. They are setting beans and producing flowers and up until a couple of weeks ago, they looked really healthy. I have been feeding with an organic worm-cast feed every week. Any advice appreciated. I have read that nitrogen deficiency may be the problem?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 4, 2016

Many thanks for your advice, I have been feeding with an organic tomato feed, improved drainage and they are bouncing back nicely!

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Answered on June 29, 2016

Yes, yellow beans are typically a sign of poor soil conditions or poor watering conditions. Check your soil and make sure you aren't over- or underwatering. This article will give you some tips on how to correct your soil if that's the issue:


And this article will give you some additional tips on growing beans:


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