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Runner Beans

Q.Runner beans

Zone DE13 9AP | Nanki Poo added on June 5, 2017 | Answered

See photos below. In this patch of beans, 6 plants, the growing point has ceased to grow. I manured about a month before planting with horse manure, believing it to be well rotted. Other plants in the row are fine. Root burn?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 6, 2017

Root burn is possible, I would recommend testing your soil PH to confirm. then correct back as close to neutral as you can. Also I have never had good luck transplanting bean plants as apposed to direct seed sowing. Once you find a bean that you like and that likes you soil just save a handful of pods to let air dry in a sunny window and then you have seeds that are naturally attuned to your garden and your soil for the next year.

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