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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Rubber tree transplant start

Zone Peoria AZ | grelllonna470 added on December 10, 2016 | Answered

I transplanted my rubber tree start from its water location to a pot with root tone and have only watered well that once. It has stayed moist and is well drained. Its lower leaves are now turning yellow and drooping. Can I save my plant? It had a small root system starting when I moved it.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on December 11, 2016

The soil may be holding too much water for the plant's small root system to handle, or the leaves may be drying out since the roots are not large enough to feed them, or both. Removing the plant start along with some soil from the pot and allowing it to dry out may help. Even better would be to switch to a soil-free rooting medium such as sand or Perlite, since those are better drained than soil. Also, place a plastic bag or cup over the plant to keep the air around it humid, which allows the leaves to take in water from the air.

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