Q.Rubber Tree Plant Care
Can you put vegetable oil on the rubber tree plant?

You don't even need to use water! Get a soft cloth or paper towel, support the leaf from underneath with one hand, and gently wipe the top of the leaf with your cloth until the shine comes through. Use soap and water first, though, if the leaves are very dirty. And a simple dusting with a feather or micro-fiber duster on a weekly basis will keep the plant looking its best.

People have been shining leaves with oil, mayonnaise, milk, ect. for years, and for the life of me, I don't knoew why! "Rubber trees", (Ficus elastica) have naturally shiny leaves, as a lot of other foliage plants. Applying anything other than a mild soap followed by a rinse of watter smothers the pores of the leaf and gives dust a sticky surface a place to sit. If your plant is too large to set in the shower for a rinse, wipe each leaf. These articles should help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/hpgen/grooming-and-care-tip-for-houseplants.htm