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Rubber Tree Plants

Q.rubber tree plant

Zone Gladwin, Michigan | Brandie Snooks added on January 28, 2017 | Answered

Can it come back to life after being rootbound and frozen? So far, I’ve thawed it with water, replanted it in a bigger pot, and cut all the dead limbs off. Does it have a chance?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 29, 2017

Yes, your tree has a chance to come back, as long as some part of the plant is alive. Here's how to check whether the remaining parts of the trunk are alive:

Even if the aboveground parts are all dead, you can cut the tree off at the base, and it might regrow from the roots. Make sure not to overwater it (only water when the soil is dry about an inch down), because damaged plants use less water.

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