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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Rubber Tree Freeze

Sarahandherplants added on January 8, 2018 | Answered

I received a rubber plant as a secret santa gift at a Christmas party. It was a good party, so I took an Uber home and forgot that I put the plant in my car. The temperature was in the low 20’s overnight and low 30’s during the day. All the plants leaves are limp and the dirt in the pot is frozen.

Is my plant dead, or will it perk back up? I’m super disappointed about this as I was very excited about the gift.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on January 11, 2018

Given the temperatures and the fact that the soil and roots were frozen, your plant may not survive.

Keep it lightly watered and wait and see.
Rubber Tree plants are quite common and you can replace if it doesn't make it.

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