Q.Rubber tree
Hi I just moved and I have a good sized potted rubber tree.at my old location I kept it on my porch during the summer where it didn’t get any direct sunlight. I’d like to put it on my patio at this new location but the patio gets about 3 to 4 hours of direct sunlight then the rest if the day in shade. Is that to much direct sunlight for my plant? Thanks…Nick
Nick- It depends a little on your new location. In warm coastal areas Ficus elastica (rubber tree plant) will tolerate more sun than in hotter inland areas. If the plant is going to be in direct sunlight, early morning exposure would be best, but I have seen this plant growing in full sun in Southern California. Since it is in a pot acclimate the plant to the sun exposure gradually if possible. Avoid introducing the plant to sun on a very hot day.