Q.Rubber Plant
I have a rubber plant that sits on my patio and is too big to bring inside. It has gotten down into high 20’s and low 30’s at night but warms up to 50’s and 60’s during day. I cover it with blanket at night, but it appears to have some frost bite on leaves. It’s still alive, but is there anything I can do to keep it healthy until spring? Do I mainly need to make sure the roots don’t freeze to keep it alive? Not very knowledgeable gardener but trying!
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Rubber trees are only hardy to 30 F. If it gets colder than 30 .F where you live, it should not be left outside. If the size of the plant intimidates you, don't let it. These plants are easy to care for indoors and are easy to prune to keep their size under control. Here is more information: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/houseplants/rubber-tree/prune-rubber-tree.htm